Player name: Sanchez, JosephSee rating chart
Most recent federation:   The Philippines
Date of birth: 19 August 1970
Most recent ID: 5201233
Sex: man
  list        pos  Player_ID  Name                                 Title Fed  Rtng   +/-  Gms   Birthday   Sex  Flag 
Oct 2001     6182=  5201233  Sanchez, Joseph                             PHI  2287     0    0  1970.08.19            
Jul 2001     6195=  5201233  Sanchez, Joseph                             PHI  2287   +17   12  1970.08.19            
Apr 2001     7354=  5201233  Sanchez, Joseph                             PHI  2270   +77   20  1970.08.19            
Jan 2001    13783=  5201233  Sanchez, Joseph                             PHI  2193     0    0                        
Oct 2000    13753=  5201233  Sanchez, Joseph                             PHI  2193     0    0  1970.08.19            
Jul 2000    13524=  5201233  Sanchez, Joseph                             PHI  2193     0    0  1970.08.19            
Jan 2000    12833=  5201233  Sanchez, Joseph                             PHI  2193   +62    7                        
Jul 1999    17931=  5201233  Sanchez, Joseph                             PHI  2131     0    0  1970.08.19            
Jan 1999    18077=  5201233  Sanchez, Joseph                             PHI  2131         24  1970.08.19